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How to temporarily unlock your biometrics in Aadhaar

How to temporarily unlock your biometrics in Aadhaar

You can temporarily unlock your biometrics in Aadhaar by
following these steps:

  1. Go
    to the official UIDAI website: https://uidai.gov.in/

  2. Click
    on the "My Aadhaar" option and select "Lock/Unlock
    Biometrics" from the dropdown menu.

  3. Enter
    your 12-digit Aadhaar number and the security code displayed on the

  4. Click
    on the "Generate OTP" button to receive a One-Time Password on
    your registered mobile number.

  5. Enter
    the OTP in the field provided and click on the "Login" button.

  6. Once
    you are logged in, you will see the option to unlock your biometrics.
    Click on the "Unlock Biometrics" button.

  7. Enter
    the security code displayed on the screen to confirm your request to
    unlock your biometrics.

  8. Your
    biometrics will be unlocked for a specific time period, which you can
    select from the drop-down menu. You can choose to unlock your biometrics
    for a period of 10 minutes, 30 minutes, or until the time of the day.

  9. Once
    you have selected the time period, click on the "Unlock" button
    to complete the process.

It's important to note that unlocking your biometrics
temporarily is a security feature that should be used only when necessary. Make
sure to lock your biometrics again after you have completed the authentication
process to protect your identity and prevent unauthorized access to your
personal information.


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